1. "GGWP" - Good Game, Well Played
英雄联盟卖货台词语录大全 英雄联盟卖东西的快捷键
英雄联盟卖货台词语录大全 英雄联盟卖东西的快捷键
英雄联盟卖货台词语录大全 英雄联盟卖东西的快捷键
英雄联盟卖货台词语录大全 英雄联盟卖东西的快捷键
英雄联盟卖货台词语录大全 英雄联盟卖东西的快捷键
2. "GLHF" - Good Luck, He Fun
3. "MIA" - Missing In Action (used to indicate a missing enemy champion)
4. "SS" - Same Side (used to indicate a missing ally champion)
5. "OOM" - Out Of Mana
6. "OMW" - On My Way
7. "AFK" - Away From Keyboard
8. "BRB" - Be Right Back
9. "ADC" - Attack Damage Carry (a champion role)
10. "AP" - Ability Power (a champion stat)
1. "GGWP" - Good Game, Well Played
2. "GLHF" - Good Luck, He Fun
3. "MIA" - Missing In Action (used to indicate a missing enemy champion)
4. "SS" - Same Side (used to indicate a missing ally champion)
5. "OOM" - Out Of Mana
6. "OMW" - On My Way
7. "AFK" - Away From Keyboard
8. "BRB" - Be Right Back
9. "ADC" - Attack Damage Carry (a champion role)
10. "AP" - Ability Power (a champion stat)
1. "GGWP" - Good Game, Well Played
2. "GLHF" - Good Luck, He Fun
3. "MIA" - Missing In Action (used to indicate a missing enemy champion)
4. "SS" - Same Side (used to indicate a missing ally champion)
5. "OOM" - Out Of Mana
6. "OMW" - On My Way
7. "AFK" - Away From Keyboard
8. "BRB" - Be Right Back
9. "ADC" - Attack Damage Carry (a champion role)
10. "AP" - Ability Power (a champion stat)
1. "GGWP" - Good Game, Well Played
2. "GLHF" - Good Luck, He Fun
3. "MIA" - Missing In Action (used to indicate a missing enemy champion)
4. "SS" - Same Side (used to indicate a missing ally champion)
5. "OOM" - Out Of Mana
6. "OMW" - On My Way
7. "AFK" - Away From Keyboard
8. "BRB" - Be Right Back
9. "ADC" - Attack Damage Carry (a champion role)
10. "AP" - Ability Power (a champion stat)